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Student Selection Process and Outcomes

Throughout the district, schools prioritized students who were not finding success with virtual learning.  To what extent did we successfully achieve that result?  That answer depends on a person's interpretation, but the data is below. The percentage shows the fraction of students attending IPL that we prioritized when making our offers to families.  Here is the student selection process.  

PK3 - 92%

Kinder - 53%

1st Grade - 65%

3rd Grade - 86%

5th Grade - 55%

Term 3 Re-Opening Operational Overview

An overview of the Operations protocols we are putting in place for Term 3.  We are sharing this document in hopes to identify all the ways that we can keep students and staff safe and ensure a clean environment so we can focus on in person learning. 

Download here

Term 3 Teachers Serving In Person:

Note: it is possible that names will change as staff make applications to HR.

PK3 - Brooks, Pavlik

K - Hsu and Blagburn, Hinrichs (ela)

1 - Stewart (math), Dunning (ela)

3 - O'Donnell (math), Nover (ela)

5 - Bell (math), Hightower ela)

Teachers Serving Virtually

All Special Educators and Mental Health Team Members

PK3 - Taylor, Egan

PK4 - Slattery, Houghton, Friedman

K - Paige (ela), D'Antonio (math)

1 - Davis (ela), O'Donnell (math)

2 - Sheppard (ela), Coleman (ela), Hill (math), Griffin (math)

3 - Parler (ela), Moxley (math)

4 - Sullivan (ela), Dickinson (math), Elmusa (ela), Phoenix (math)

5 - Lamont (ela), Butler (math) 

ReOpen Community Survey

See the results from the survey as of 12/7/20

Download here


Key Dates and Milestones

January 8 - Staff notified of Term 3 assignments. 

January 11 - In-person learning offers made to families. Office Hours available for families receiving an offer. Those families contacted directly. 

January 13 - Professional Development (virtual) for Teachers and Staff Returning in Person  

January 18–20 - MLK Holiday and Inauguration Day; No School 

Tentative – Jan 22 First round of IPL seat offers end 

Tentative – Jan 22 IPL class lists and new virtual class lists finalized and communicated to staff and families 

January 27 – Classroom set-up day for all teachers returning to in-person work  

January 28- In-person school-based PD for returning staff; half-day classroom set up. Only teachers and staff returning to in-person roles will attend the PD. Teachers and staff remaining virtual will host virtual community building and welcoming activities with Term 3 classes to welcome any new students and begin to build relationships.  A more detailed schedule for the day is forthcoming. 

January 29—End of Term, half-day records day, half-day school-based PD or classroom set-up  

Feb 1 – First day of IPL for K-5 

Feb 4 – First day of IPL for PK 


Additional PK Timelines- Check out the ECE Re-Opening Guidance here. 


Feb 1 – Virtual Home visits 

Feb 2 – In Person Learning play dates at Watkins 

Feb 4 – First day of PK in person learning 

What is the RCC?

A Reopen Community Corps is a diverse group of school-level stakeholders consisting of parents, teachers, school staff, community members, and eventually students who support and advise the school leader in understanding models and their impacts on the community for reopening strong for In-Person learning and CARE Classroom in Term 3. 

When does the RCC meet?

Monday, November 23. (See notes below)

Tuesday, Dec 1 at 6pm but after LSAT business. (See notes below)

Wednesday, Dec 9 at 3:30pm. (See notes below). 

Meeting #3 and Overall Recap:

Our team was able to discuss our demand survey (above) and narrow our options for the instructional model.  At the PK level, the "model A" is the best fit and for K-5 there is interest in "Model C" and the "Regular Day" model.  A final decision on these models will depend on actual student enrollment and staffing.  Both are supported by central office as viable.  Read more about the meeting by viewing the presentation (which includes the demand survey results) and the Corps' responses to a few questions.  Importantly, we'd like to hear creative ways we can spread the message about Term 3 information beyond how we're currently doing it.  Please email for suggestions.

Meeting #2 Recap: 

You can view the presentation here.  We discussed models and the team offered input which is available here.  In addition to the models in the document above, there are two additional models we are considering: 1) for K-5, what if two teachers/team were in-person? and 2) what about an AM/PM schedule where students attend in-person learning half a day?  We’ll have more information during Meeting #3. 


The data from our currently-in-the-field survey can be viewed here.  Please keep in mind that the survey ends Dec 5th.  An update will be provided at that time and the final data will be used and discussed during Meeting #3. 

Folks that listened or would otherwise like to weigh in on instructional models, here is feedback form. 

Meeting #1 Recap:

You can view the presentation here.  Here are some thoughts from the team on the process and vision for success.  The team's homework from Meeting #1 is to read about instructional models, which all community members are encouraged to read.

What does the RCC do? 


Read the document outlining their work.   Read more on DCPS ReOpenStrong websibe.

Who is on the Peabody-Watkins RCC?

In-Person Learning

Acceptance Data

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